Let's all agree that being busy is no longer cool. We can do that ya know. Lets put to rest the idea that we all have to be perfect and attain this perfect image of wife, mother and family. As women we neglect ourselves in many different ways. I honestly don't know one single Mom who doesn't put her needs on the back burner at all costs. And that's sad.
I am in no way saying that we shouldn't put our families needs first. When the family..working as individuals towards the common good put the whole first..then that happens anyway. Let's be honest though..they rarely do and it rarely does. Most of the time it falls on the shoulders of the family Super Hero...Mom.
I'm a mother to four absolutely wonderful kids. I bathe them, clothe them, feed them, drive them, clean after them......You get it. I have gone without new clothes and shoes for longer than I care to share out of embarrassment......even though we could afford it..because of that awful thing called Mommy guilt. First..if we're going to be happy...lets all agree to put that mess to rest. No more Mommy Guilt! If your children have their needs met....and a new toy or the new line of Mud Pie or Matilda Jane is not a NEED....then buy yourself shoes! Or pants...or a new dress...and if you're not quite in the budget for clothes then buy some new nail polish!
Secondly...Lets stop lying to ourselves that we have no time for US. Put your kids on a schedule! It might take a month to get it down but it's so worth it! My kids lay down at 7:30. They get an hour of TV and then they're asleep by 9. I use that time to stretch...workout...watch TV...answer emails...Whatever :) If you don't have time right now...sit down and make it! Nothing beats 30 minutes of silence with your own thoughts.
Third...Eat right and move your butt. You CAN afford to eat better and you should. If you don't take care of yourself now you'll end up having to have someone take care of you later. Bad habits lead to disease and poor health. That's just the truth and nothing more. I am currently trying to love myself better in this aspect and it's working! A 20 minute walk after you drop the kids off....a 30 minute workout video...Yoga...Pilates....even if it's just 100 jumping jacks a day..Move. The more you take care of you the more you'll love you.
Four...Use good shampoo. Really. It's that simple. It's a small luxury, very small. But when you only have time to fix your hair, make it count. And who doesn't love a gorgeous main!
Five..Be gentle with yourself. Every one makes mistakes. Every one has bad days. Be gentle. Don't rush yourself. Don't stress yourself. I know that sounds cheesy..but really, take a few minutes to breath. You're not on anyone's clock but Gods. The world won't end if you're 5 minutes late. And the "worst that could happen" seldom does.
Six ..Just smile...even if you don't feel like it...even if it's just at yourself in thee mirror.
Seven...Do things that make you happy. Get a sitter and go see a movie. Read. Listen to 90's music as you dance in your socks. Let loose you wild thing!
Eight..Drink water like it's your job. It makes your brain work. :) AND makes you feel loads better.
Nine..less social media more face to face interaction :)
TEN...Wake up every day and start Thanking God. Be so grateful! For your blanket, your floor, your hair, your tooth paste, your fridge, your spouse, your food, your coffee, your couch, your car, your kids teachers, the radio.....You can't be in a bad mood when your feeling grateful!
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