Thursday, January 10, 2013

Is your baby weird?

  I'm not going to kids ARE hilarious.  But what is funny and what is just plain weird.  Well, in our case...the weird has almost always been funny too.  And if it's just my kids that have developed weird quirks...then...have a laugh on us.  Today i'm going to discuss the kid quirks....the odd...the funny...the disturbing..and the ones that require medical attention!  BEYOND thumb sucking, BEYOND hair twirling..there lies that grim area.  The weird area!
  Example 1.)  Natalie and her spitting.  I feel like i'm partially responsible for this one.  See, when I get pregnant I get SICK.  Look like death, throwing up 24 7..SICK.  And one of the things that come with glorious hyperemesis is spitting.  I'll stop right there to keep from going into gross medical detail.  Anyway...we'd just be out in the store and here would be my little curly headed darling spitting in the floor....out the window..on the track at the park.  It's gross!  Strangers would give us "the look" and right away i'd feel like I had to explain.  Which led to me going into gross medical detail to complete strangers.  Looking back I hope that they learned to keep their awkward looks to themselves because i'm sure hearing my medical issues in the middle of Food City wasn't fun! Thank God she outgrew this and figured out it wasn't socially acceptable to spit in the floor of walmart!
 Example 2.) Aiden's leg rubbing.  One day we were walking and he just stopped to rub his knees together....we was cute!  Then it was an every few steps kind of thing.  You'd be in a store...look down and he'd be 10 steps behind you...rubbing his knees together.  Weird!  At this point we had Weston..and after 3 kids you no longer care to acknowledge "the look".  I actually did take him to the doctor for this..who laughed and told us not to acknowledge it and it would go away.  It did....after 3 more months of 2.5 hour grocery store trips!
  Example 3.) Aidens stutter!!  Oh my gosh!  It's natural to try and finish a persons sentence when they stutter, BUT you shouldn't.  Aiden's stutter wasn't like that.  He stuttered sounds...or mimicked if you will.  The timer on the dryer, the noise the car makes when you haven't buckled up.  Things that drive you nuts.  And just like when a person stutters a word...I had to just ignore this for it to go away!!!  I did explain this one to strangers....mostly because they'd be just as annoyed as me!  Thank God he outgrew it!
  Example 4.)  The Ninja phase.  Not really weird...unless your kid attacks inanimate objects in public like our Aiden. OHHH this one required many trips to the ER.  One particular trip that stands out is the day Aiden attacked a metal park bench.  The bench won!  He bruised his inner ear.  I had no idea you could do that!  I really appreciate our pediatrician who told me not to ever explain my kids injuries...bumps and bruises are a sign of a healthy childhood and parents who love their child enough to let them play.  That statement has stuck with me ever since.
  Example 5.)  Lets just say our third child, Weston, he has a lot of quirks.  One huge one that has required medical attention.  We are potty training.  And Weston was trying to make a stinky and fell in the potty.  Of course we laughed...he was adorable with his bum stuck in the toilet.  Now, my child is stubborn...and didn't appreciate the laughter.  Sooooo..what does he do?  Decides he will NEVER poo again.  I didn't even know a person could do this.  But..yes, he would sit in the floor...and scream "NOOO"..and just not go!  For days.    Real fun when you're in public and your son screams "I NOOOO Poo!" After 4 HORRIBLE days I took him to the doctor where he was given miralax and is now on the mend.

  Kids are CRAZY!  Tiny lunatics who stuff your tub drain full of peanuts....tell strangers WAY too much and laugh at the most inappropriate times.  Now that you know just a small few of my kids quirks (Oh yes, there are more..some too embarrassing to post online!)  maybe you feel a bit better about your darling who talks to your oven mitt....or your tiny champ who refuses to wear anything that buttons.  Kids are weird.  And that's just that!
  Google has always helped me when I needed to know if something  And I never hesitate to take my odd or seemingly disturbing quirks to our pediatrician.

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