Friday, November 23, 2012

Displaying your kids artwork...BEYOND THE FRIDGE!

If your home is like're bombarded with drawings!  Drawings from school, drawings from Sunday school, drawings from the doctors get it...i'm sure.  Even being covered in paper...I still can't make myself throw it away!  Maybe it's watching them actually creating..maybe it's the look on their faces when they excitedly show me their work. I have a difficult time de-cluttering the paper.  With that said, I had to get creative with displaying all this ART!

Now some pieces are just too precious not to showcase ALL the time..ya know, for all who visit to enjoy.
These are some cheap ($5.00 for 2) diploma frames I snagged at Big Lots.  Easy to switch the pictures out...The glass pops off the front.

We use our windows!  We have these 3 big windows in the kitchen of the double wide.  (Excuse the bareness of it..we're in the middle of a complete overhaul of this place.  I'll blog more on that later.  SO excited though...picture a massive craft project...anyway..)The kids LOVE to cover them in their art and crafts.  Showcased now is their turkeys from Thanksgiving.

I also use a curtain rod with jump rings attached to clothes pins.  It's our brag board for good grades and reports from school.  I'm also working on compiling a book.  Snapping pictures of their artwork and making a photo album is a GREAT way to hold onto those memories and still keep from drowning in paper.  Of course this means you can toss the originals..without guilt.  Just not in front of your littles...of course :)

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